I am back on Twitter. Big deal huh? As I was logging in I felt a sense of grandness. Like I have all these profound, funny, inspiring and moving things to say. Once I was logged in all I could think of was "don't do drugs". Important? Yes. Profound, funny, inspiring and moving? No.
I "write" all day long in my head. It is some pretty amazing stuff too. When I sit down to put my thoughts on paper or screen I tend to get writers block. It is like taking a test. I go blank and then I just stare at the paper or screen and drool. I am sure I am not the only one who has this problem. I think my problem is the whole "it has to be epic to be worth a crap" and as we both know not much, if anything, I write is epic. So here I sit. Waiting for those amazing thoughts to flow out of my brain, down my arms, through my fingers to the keys of the computer so YOU can be WOWED! Instead of relaxing and letting it flow I get all tense and questioning.
Anyway the point to this blog is that I got back on Twitter. Why the heck would I do that? Well, I am not sure. I felt compelled or something like that. Same reason I started a blog I guess.
I am on Facebook less and on Pinterest and Linkedin more. I feel happier and less stress because of this.
Today on Linkedin I ran across another blogger, author, actress by the name of Angela Shelton. It was because of her I felt compelled to get back on Twitter, I am not sure why though.
I read an article/blog she had posted on Linkedin. It was exactly what I needed today. I feel as though my new mantra is Carpe Diem (seize the day for those of you that don't know that) and it was partly or mostly because of this
Of course I started to follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and her blog.
I need more funny positive in my life. Not just the rah rah cheerleadery crap that I don't buy in to.
If you are so inclined you can follow me on Twitter :-) my name is tnicky75.
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