Monday, July 14, 2014

It's JUST laundry!

My goodness you would think that keeping up with laundry was like asking me to eat a coconut pie with a side of chocolate whatever!
It is just laundry!
I have a washer and a dryer. In. My. House.
I do not have to load up clothes and walk 5 mile to the creek or crick and bang them on a rock while eating my skin away with lye soap.
I don't have to keep my eyes open for laundry doing woman eating bear.

It isn't like the other is really out of clean underwear. They are in the process of being put away, as in they are in a basket which is probably still in the laundry room and it now has dirty clothes on top of it so I have to look in the dryer and see what I haven't "folded" yet.

Why in the world is this task so difficult for me to stay on top of?

I feel accomplished when I look around and see no dirty clothes or clean clothes waiting for me to do SOMETHING with them. I like the fact that the other doesn't have to look in a drawer or in a closet and then sigh and ask "where is my ______".

Still it seems like I am faced with climbing a mountain and I just  can't   do  it.

I have been doing laundry since I was in second grade, yes second. I shit you not. I wasn't "helping" I was "doing". I didn't get to throw it in the dryer unless it was winter, I had to hang it out on the line. LAME. Maybe that is why I have such a disdain for laundry, might as well add dishes in there too.

You may have noticed I did not mention the 15yr old and his laundry. It is his responsibility. He is 15 and quite capable of carrying his basket down the stairs and running the machines. He is also in charge of the dishes (dishwasher).

I think we need to come up with disposable clothes, like paper plates and plastic cups. That would make my life easier. Oh wait, I don't like shopping either. Oh hell

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