Tuesday, April 22, 2014

About A Blog(ger)

What is the point of this blog?

I am not really sure.  I know what I HOPE the point of this blog is.  

I HOPE that this blog touches you, maybe even reaches off the page and slaps you once in a while.
I hope you cry, laugh, laugh until you cry, think and feel. Just to name a few.

My grammar is less than stellar and if it weren't for spell check? Well that would be pretty interesting too.

I am a Jill of many trades (cause I am not a boy and there are lots of trades) and master of none.

I read, a lot. My genre you ask?  Uh....words basically.  With all the reading I do you would think my grammar would be better and I wouldn't need spell check.  You would also think that I would be a master at at least ONE thing.  

I have learned in life that if you start a sentence with "you would think" the rest of the sentence is moot.  

Perhaps my biggest HOPE for this blog is that you don't ever think you are alone, the only one going through what you are going through. The only one thinking what you are thinking.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I can make a sailor blush but I will keep this at least PG13.

I am a mom. I live with my fiance and have for 3 years (?), don't know exactly :-)
He is a fantastic not-dad to my 15 year old boy (thank goodness not a girl, more later)
We live on 10.5 acres of pre-horded land, meaning the previous owners lived here for 40 years and threw NOTHING away (like nails, coffee cans, buckets, tires, branches, shoes, well you get the point).
We have two "at home" businesses, he works full time outside the home, I am a Realtor and now a blogger. 
We are in the beginning stages of remodeling the house (read no walls, exposed wires, 2x4s, etc. More on that later too).
Last but not least we have 3 dogs (indoor, most of the time but outdoor a lot) and 2 outdoor/shop cats.  

To say I have a busy life would be a tad inaccurate....like I said, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.   Your stories may not mirror mine but they are welcome here, YOU are welcome here. No hating or judging going on.

Please feel free to ask question, share stories and enjoy this with a cup of your favorite beverage :-)

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